Menata ulang kredit karbon dan plastik di Asia Tenggara, kami mengembangkan kredit terpercaya yang memastikan transparansi dari sumber ke pasar.

Siapa Kami?

Kami adalah tim eksekutif global yang berpengalaman yang disatukan oleh satu misi – untuk berkontribusi pada pencapaian target iklim dan pelestarian  keanekaragaman hayati dunia.

Latar belakang kami yang beragam mencakup keahlian dalam pengembangan sumber daya, praktik berkelanjutan, pelestarian ekosistem dan spesies, hukum lingkungan, dan  investasi perbankan.

Berdampak pada masyarakat, tanah, udara, dan air, mengubah limbah dan emisi menjadi modal; kami menciptakan dunia di mana emisi karbon, sampah plastik, dan degradasi tanah menjadi sumber daya yang berharga untuk mendanai keberlanjutan lingkungan dan sosial.


Keahlian PNZ terletak pada merancang, mengembangkan, dan menghasilkan proyek-proyek berkelanjutan yang berdampak. PNZ memanfaatkan kekuatan limbah, mengubahnya menjadi modal berharga yang mendorong perubahan positif.


Misi PNZ adalah mengubah limbah menjadi peluang, mendorong masa depan yang Net Zero. Melalui proyek-proyek inovatif dan kolaborasi, PNZ menciptakan nilai untuk planet, masyarakat, dan ekonomi kita. Bersama-sama, PNZ membuat perubahan, menginspirasi aksi, dan membentuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan.

Model bisnis kami.

Invest. Transform. Certify. Monetise.

Arus modal.

Fokus kami.

Kami mengembangkan proyek awal kami di Indonesia kemudian menggunakan pola dan pengetahuan tersebut untuk dikembangkan di tingkat regional.

Komitmen NDC

Target tanpa syarat: 915 juta ton

Target bersyarat: 1,24 miliar ton

Target bersyarat bergantung pada:

  • Keuangan internasional
  • Transfer teknologi
  • Pengembangan & peningkatan kapasitas


Target tahun 2030:

  • Restorasi lahan gambut seluas 2 juta hektar
  • 12 juta hektar lahan terdegradasi telah direhabilitasi


Target tahun 2030:

  • Restorasi lahan gambut seluas 2 juta hektar
  • 12 juta hektar lahan terdegradasi telah direhabilitasi

Tim Kami

Sebuah tim profesional yang berdedikasi dan bersemangat.

“Sebagai salah satu pendiri yang berpengalaman, kami tahu bahwa keberhasilan usaha berdampak ini memerlukan sekelompok orang luar biasa dengan pikiran, semangat, ketabahan, pengalaman, integritas, dan kemauan luar biasa untuk berinovasi dan mengambil risiko. Keyakinan kami terbukti benar.”


Bambang Brodjonegoro

Non-Executive Chairman
Bruno Wauters
Director, CEO, & Co-Founder
Kenneth Ling
Director & CFO
Robert Meyer
Director & Co-founder

Bambang B.

Non-Executive Chairman
Bruno W.
Director, CEO, & Co-Founder
Kenneth Ling
Director &
Robert MeyeR
Director & Co-founder
Bruno Wauters
Director, CEO, & Co-Founder​
Director & CFO​
PT PNZ Nusantara Indonesia
Dr. putri rizka
Lead Carbon Standard Specialist
Dimas syawala
General Manager of Agriculture Projects
wantya sapardan
Tech & Engineering
Amalia fajriyanti
Senior Project
Putri amali
Lead Marketing & Communication
amron muzakki
Plant Manager
Aloysius prajitna
Biochar Research & Development
wingko hadi
Crop Specialist
khatarina mada
Biochar Research & Development
GIS Specialist
Laksmi dewi
Corporate Controls
Secretary to Executive Team​
Internal Project Coordination
amron muzakki
Plant Manager
GIS Specialist
Laksmi dewi
Corporate Controls
Secretary to Executive Team​
Internal Project Coordination
Daniel A. Bowman
Eva Djauhari
Legal Indonesia
Sanjiv Louis
Sustainable Finance
Frances Camille Rivera
Marine Biodiversity and Mangroves
Leonardo Mariabelli

Kemitraan Kami.

Berfokus pada dampak, memanfaatkan teknologi, menerapkan penulusuran.

Komunitas Petani

Trasnparansi Data

Penyedia air minum bersih untuk Stakeholder kami

Penilai Dampak Sosial

CEO/ Co-Founder/ Director​

Bruno is an Entrepreneurial CEO who has worked all his life at the intersection of his skills and passion for entrepreneurship. He has more than 25 years of experience in a combination of consulting and operational leadership settings with global companies and start-ups in Europe, Africa and Asia. He built Asia’s largest industrial minerals group developing 27 operations across 11 geographies, creating substantial shareholder value in the process.

Director & Chief Financial Officer​

Ken is a Singaporean with a diverse background covering financial management of large multinational companies to biomedical startups and private equity. Over the past 30 years he has held finance leadership roles in the manufacturing, resource development, and healthcare sectors in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and USA. In addition to finance, he enjoys the people side of business having headed human resources in several of his organisations and is a certified registered nurse in Australia.

Chairman/ Co-Founder/ Director

The world’s biodiversity and its people have been at the forefront of Robert’s agenda since founding Halcyon Agri Corporation in 2010, the leading rubber plantation, processing and distribution business where Robert championed environmental preservation and an equitable supply chain through the development of the world’s first sustainable natural rubber standard, and the world’s only digital marketplace for sustainable natural rubber.

Today, Robert is the founder and Manging Partner of Angsana Investments Pte Ltd, a private venture firm that is focused on direct investments in early-stage opportunities, in particular circular economies, and food security.


Dan has been resident in Indonesia for 30 years. After graduating from Georgetown University, Dan spent 40 years as legal and tax counsel for one of the world’s largest companies, senior vice president for Indonesia’s largest resource development company, and head of Indonesia’s largest food catering company, PT PangansariUtama. He currently contributes his expertise in law, tax, respectful stakeholder engagement, and technical project management.

Eva Djauhari

Eva is a highly experienced lawyer in Indonesia with over 18 years of practice, specializing in investments, mergers and acquisitions, project financing, restructuring, compliance, sustainability and general corporate matters. With a background in top-tier law firms in Indonesia and global firms, she has developed expertise in the energy and natural resources sector. Eva’s practical approach stems from her board positions in resource development, forestry ventures and involvement in resource investment firms. Eva’s affiliations include memberships in professional associations and key roles in organizations related to trade, industry, energy, and mineral resources. She is a sought-after speaker at national and international forums and seminar.

Sanjiv Louis

Sanjiv Louis is a proven sustainable finance and investment banking professional based in Singapore. Sanjiv spent over 23 years advising public and private sector companies in SE Asia with UBS and Credit Suisse. Sanjiv spent the last 5 years focused solely on deploying capital for the blended finance investment vehicle, Stichting (, which aims to make global agri-commodity production deforestation and exploitation-free. Sanjiv hails from Sri Lanka, but spent his formative years in Toronto, Washington D.C. and Jakarta, before settling in Singapore in 2000. Sanjiv holds a Bachelor of Science (Finance, Chemistry) from Rutgers University in the United States.


Matthew is an Aquaculture Veteran with more than 18 years of industry experience. He is currently the Singapore Representative (Private Sector) to APEC Policy Partnership on Food Security and is also the current APEC Co-Chair for Sustainable Development in Agricultural and Fishery sectors (PPFS) where he coordinates discussions between senior officials, APEC governments and the private sector on the use of technology and combined resources for sustainable development.


Camille Rivera is a technical expert in blue carbon ecosystems in the Philippines. She is also a recent 2022 National Geographic Explorer. With a decade of experience in coastal management and marine conservation, she led various community-based mangrove restoration projects, facilitated sustainable livelihood to communities, and educated young people in ocean conservation. Camille received her MSc in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at the University of Ghent, Belgium and a training scholarship from the Center of Excellence in Observational Oceanography at the Alfred Wegner Institute in Germany.

Leonardo Mariabelli

Leonardo brings with him 25 years of experience in the Oil & Gas and Power Generation industries, specializing in highly engineered solutions and products.

Holding a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Leonardo’s career has been marked by significant expertise in Process Engineering and Rotating Machinery. His design portfolio includes Power Plants, Compression Modules, and Geothermal projects.

In recent years, Leonardo has expanded his expertise by establishing his own engineering consulting firms in Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on Waste to Energy Plants, Cooling Solutions, and Small Power Generation.

President Director​

Budi is an experienced business strategy professional with over 25 years of expertise in various sectors of infrastructure. Throughout his career, Budi has been involved in a wide range of projects which include engineering design in toll-road investments, IT-related transactions, and healthcare infrastructure development. Budi’s diverse background also includes the establishment of tank farms and industrial special economic zones, and digitizing food supply chain development programmes. Recognized for his expertise and extensive network, Budi has engaged with stakeholders from around the world, forging valuable relationships and ensuring successful collaborations. In addition, he has been a key figure in liaising with both local and central government entities, navigating complex regulatory landscapes and driving positive change.